Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Like bo ki liao ! =((((

I changed my reactions frome like? to LIKE!
And blogspot turns everything back to zero.
Walau. So down ! :(
Wei... help me like la.

the photo from the previous blogpost 'LOVE' is the photo I submitted for a photo contest organized by our school sixth form society.
and the theme is LOVE.

Sharing some quotes I've read from the book chawyeh lend me named 《这不是第四本书》
written by 黄俊朗

做人最难的那个部分 并不是该怎么做才能让别人喜欢
而是,做了之后 自己到底喜不喜欢那样的自己

[ 离开 ]

离开 那是为了自己 还是别人 我想了很久才知道不重要 回来的那个自己 才重要

[ 爱的孤独 ]

真正的 深沉的爱 是孤独的 因为 放得太深 所以别人看不见
所以 只有自己的心里 才会知道

alright, for now,
I've only read until here, the rest I'll update it next time kay?
stay tune, my fellow readers !

don't forget to help me like the previous blogpost.
I'm abit down because of that.
Make me happy kay?


  1. So funny, why two of us buyueertong explain for that LOVE photo in our latest posts? hahahahaha. our nerves are really really.... joined together. !!!
    oh, i love that book! gonna ask cy to lend me. hehehe.


  2. Hahahha.
    Well, replied the comments on your lastest post already.
    Okay okay. I haven't finished the book, wait till I finished la huh.
    Should be QUITE fast, I supposed.
