I've been thinking quite a lot since yesterday after tuition.
Fyi, it's MUET tuition conducted by Mr.Felix.
I've learn a lot from what he had discussed with us.
First, I would like to thank him for sharing his thoughts with us.
He is indeed a great teacher, always so confident, and he is really good in analyzing people and things.
Suicide problem. Why people commit suicide? Who should be blame?
It sounds not that interesting huh?
I've noticed that the bonding of teenagers with parents are no longer strong.
Do your parents know your friends that you mix around with?
Parents aren't playing quite good role, they don't seem to care bout their children that much.
As we all know, those who attempt suicide show warning sign before they really did it.
Who cares? Who take this seriously?
Do we try our best to keep an eye on this issue?
Is there anyone who stand out and voice up how should we curb this?
Are we going to remain silent? What are the effective way to solve this social issue?
Lots and lots of question popping up on my mind. I'll stop it here.
Those professional who are expert in treating mental health problems should do something.
Educate the public on handling this kind of people around us.
Fellow parents, have you ever try to understand your child's feeling?
Are you sure they're doing good in school, with their peers, or even relationship problems?
Do you know they have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
They may look happy, but they might not be that happy as you thought.
Observe their attitude. Keep them accompanied.
No matter you care or not, just act like you care.
I'm sure they will feel better than what you expect.
Alright, this is just like an essay. Sorry for that. =)
Muet trial tomorrow !
May myself break a leg !

but not to the wrong door
turn around, and you'll found me !
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