Monday, October 3, 2016

The life stage transition thoughts

It's been awhile.

Hello my dear readers, thank you for still coming to my blog and read some random stuffs. Being single for months and not feeling any better about being single. Damn it. Anyway, not going to talk more about being single.

Ever since started working and earning some money for living, I start to ponder the rationale behind earning so much money in life. What can I really do when I have that much money? What do I really want to achieve? Do I even have any dreams? Honestly, no, I don't have a dream now. Traveling around the world is not part of my dream, living in a big house/big car is not my dream. So now, what does the money can do in my life? Probably to buy some stuffs I like. But I don't think I need that much money to buy what I want in life. I just wanted a simple life, a happy life. That's all I want. Seeing people at my age, worrying on the salary they earned and how much saving they can get per month because of all those commitments. I feel like is it themselves who wanted all these or they are in debt because all these are the norms that has long be in the society that suggest us to be. So weird right, if we don't buy a house, does it mean that we wouldn't have a place to stay in the future? Do we really need a bigger/better performance car so that we can reach a destination faster than the others on the road? Haha. Why do we put ourselves to so many commitments that we complained our salary is not even enough for a living? I think peers from the same age as mine aren't like before, even we don't earn enough money to buy ourselves house, we are already living in comfort place, that we called it home. I mean like back to my parents time, I understand they have to buy themselves a car and house because they used to live in a small house with few families under one roof. A car because they used to travel  by bicycles/foot/bus. Given the situation we have today, we are already pampered with our own car, own house that our parents have already given to us. Speaking of that, I might be more lucky than the others that my parents have given me a good life. Some people may not be in the same situation as me. Still, I really wonder the sense of urgency and thoughts of wanting to earn more money to own "house/car". Chasing after money to fulfill their life goals. Those who are buying house, is their home too small to accommodate them and their life partner? How come they can be so generous to contribute more than 50% of their salary to pay loans for houses and cars? Is it only me that I think it is not worth the money? It is like once you commit to buy a house, you're in debt for at least 30 years and half of your salary are going to it. So you worked so hard in life for the so called shelter. I might be very sensitive with cashing out my salary, but why? Bringing this back to my what I'm thinking lately is that, I found out that I am not motivated to strive for my career, I am not motivated by the money I can earn, so if I'm not motivated by the money, what else can motivate me to work harder? And maybe the reason is because I don't have a dream, I am living very comfortably with all I already have in life and I don't need anything more than that.

Just some thoughts and some may find what I wrote very sarcastic. I just write whatever comes to my mind. Poor blogging skills, poor writing skills. The writing skills really deteriorate like hell when we stop writing. Ahh. Life. Oh. Life.


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