In English :
- Life is never easy. We face predicaments, overcome it, and finally become a tougher person.
- We're not sent by God to be suffered or been punished in Life. We are here to enjoy and live life to the fullest.
- Where are all the happy people around the world? I notice that no one is happy nowadays. Why? Smile, people!
- Please don't make EMO a trend.
- When we get older year by year, we happen to have more negative thoughts in mind than being positive. We just worry,worry more, and we ended up don't dare to take risk.
- Thinking is good if you're thinking in a good way.
- We often think too much where in the end of the day, things don't go as what we thought it should be. So, what for thinking so much? Relax, people!
- Tell people how they mean to you before it’s too late.
- Live life with no regrets. There is no second chance to reborn.
- Did you noticed that the main purpose we live our life is to gain love from others? How we behave is closely connected with gaining love. eg. fat people has no love, so we want to be skinny.
In Chinese:
- 不管是什么东西,都不好太过于沉迷。记得,要中庸。
- 我们每个人都有坚强和脆弱的时候,分别只在于我们在意的东西都不同。
- 用文字来抒发自己的情感只是一种让自己发泄情绪的一种管道,并不是需要别人来安慰。就算是需要别人来安慰,其实也只是希望特定的人来给予关心。
- 快乐是一种选择,若选择快乐,你会发现,这世上,没什么好值得我们去伤心的。
- 我们往往让自己被悲伤困住,放过自己,不要太执着。到最后,受伤的是你自己而已。
- 越是要被同情的人,越不会被同情。
- 长大了,是时候让自己学会承受痛苦。
- 习惯依赖别人的人,永远长不大。
- 没有人是你的全部,生命是自己的,你不好好珍惜自己的生命,谁来帮你?
- 爱情不是人生的全部,没有爱情,你也可以活得很好。

I wrote this because it came to my mind so randomly.
I don't seek for agreement or disagreement.
Anyway, you can tell me your opinion.
Fat people has no love pulak...
ReplyDeleteA grammar mistake heh.
And strongly agree with the no.4 in english, please don't make EMO a trend. That's very true and it's usually at night when people start to replace sleepiness with emoness.
And the chinese no.2 about expressing our thoughts thru words, yup, we are just writing, it doesn't mean that we need consolation, who asks us to love writing so much? Whee hee hee.
lol. where is the grammar mistake ?
ReplyDeletehehehhe.Replace sleepiness with emoness. this is abit funny! yeahh, you like writing more than me. hehe. you're gifted to write.
ps: fat people has no love is just an example. i dont think so la. like what we thought in our mind si aneh lor. hehehe