I used to call you 典君 or ODJ.
Can you still remember how we met and be friends?
Actually, I couldn't remember how we actually get to know each other.
I guess it is through tuition? or 薇沁?
Do you still remember the days where you, me, mc, xy, yan, mt were always walk ourselves to tuition together and walk each other home together?
Do you still remember me, you and 薇沁 explore the kittens and go for dog walk during holidays?
Do you still remember the days we loiter at the playground doing nothing?
Do you still remember we like to talk to ksh before and after tuition?
Do you still remember we like to ask bout ksh and the bf whether they get married already or not?
Do you still remember there was once we caught in a fight for some I have forgotten reason and how we get together again?
No matter do you still remember all these footprints you left in my heart, what I want to tell you is I remember it alls.
Thank you so so much for being my friend since standard 4 I think? I could hardly remember the years.
And I'm really glad to have you as my childhood friend.
Like you said, we are still the same.
How many friends could actually stay by our side through years though we seldom each other or contact each other?
However, once we met each other, the feeling is still the same, we're close in the heart.
" Our friendship is a promise made in the heart. Silent. Unwritten. Unbreakable by distance. Unchangeable by time. Once a friend, forever a friend "
and there's another one where you said that I'm always your bff.
it was just a simple message but you just touched my heart so easily.
I'm so lucky to have you as my BEST BUDDY, remember?
You are definitely sibling God forget to give me.
We both are the only daughter in the family.
We both are the happy-go-lucky type person.
We both are optimist.
We both don't care bout image.
We both loves freedom.
We both love eating.
We both love blue colour.
We both love singing.
We both like to wear t-shirt and pants.
We both can talk non-stop.
We have the same point of view in most of the things.
What I can say is, we share the same characteristics, don't you think so?
That makes us so alike !
In life, there wouldn't be much people who actually so alike in most of things, I believe.
But, I've found one. That's you, ODJ!
In this special day, I want to wish this special person of mine
A very very HAPPY e i g h t e e n t h BIRTHDAY !
Buddy, I just want to be as happy as you can. No worries. No sorrows.
I'm always here to cheer you up whenever you need me.
You can always be who you want infront of me. I love the way you are =)
You're simply awesome !
This post is specially dedicated to my very very BEST BUDDY yet BFF, Odelia Ooi Dean Jiun 黄典君.
Thanks for being part of my life. May our friendship goes on until the very end. If I could make a wish, still, I want to be your friend in my next life, am I allow to? =D

we don't have a picture of us ! ish!
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