Tuesday, November 30, 2010








Sunday, November 28, 2010

Currently l i f e l e s s

Argh, dislike my life now.
Damn lifeless.
Rotting at home for the whole day doing nothing besides eat, sleep and computer.
I feel so empty.
I seriously need a Life now.
Kindly date me out or talk to me if I you don't mind, people!
I need fresh air.

Go away, Emptiness!
I hate you!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Turning EIGHTEEN , chawyehyeh!

My first hand-made Birthday Chocolate Cake for you !
It is my 1st year celebrating your birthday!

My 1st Sleepover at friends house, which is yours.
that night I couldn't sleep? nehh. xp

I skipped Trainings loitering at BJ the whole holiday.

My hand-made Birthday Cake from you.
The cake really sweeeeet dao~

the BEST Picture of us.

I like this !
sawchawyeh, gambar ini cantik, kan?

Pictures paint a thousand words
This is the story of US

Yours truly
hippo tan yi ling.

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !
May you have a better birthday compared to last year.
Hope you like what I did.
Our friendship shall never ends.
PS : Thanks for the reply ms.sawchawyeh!
Hearts you, my dear!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eternal Favourite of Mine :))

Ice Kacang is love .

Yes, this is my all time favourite dessert, THE ICE KACANG!
Spot the ice kacang, there is no other ingredients except the two scoop of peanut flavour ice-cream and only sarsi syrup.
I just like my ice-kacang with only ice-cream and it must be peanut in flavour.
People, it taste superb I tell you!
Besides, there is only a particular store that I always go for my ice-kacang.
fyi, it is located at Batu Lanchang Market.
I've found out this store is the only store where the ice is very finely-sharpened.
It melts once it enters your mouth.
This ice-kacang accompanied me since I were young!
It can simply made my day yet every time I feel so happy eating and also after eating it.
I crave for it.
So I think ice kacang can cheer me up if I'm having mood swing, perhaps? =)

Ice Kacang and I .

If you haven't try this before,
Why not have a try?
Once you have tried,
you'll definitely want to go back there again for the second time!
Trust me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010



  射手女非常爱好自由,而且好奇心很强。她们常想当个流浪者,到处去寻找新鲜的事物,对于射手座的妻子,丈夫最好不要束缚她们,否则她们很容易说再见。 她们很热衷于集团结社,挥金如土是射手座女性的通病,她们只要去逛街,就会大包小包地抱回家。不过,她们也有一套理财方法绝不会造成经济赤字。 外表很文静的射手其实很开朗有文艺天赋,爱唱爱跳。爱哭也爱笑。容易难过也容易快乐。玩起来会吓人一跳!崇拜一切高尚的事物!很注重外表,更在意自身的智慧。大大咧咧的言行中会有很细心的一面。射手一般身材较高,是所有星座当中身材最好的一个星座!因为喜欢运动!又乐观,有射手的地方一定有笑声!为人很诚实很天真很率直,好相处,容易受到异性的欢迎,同时又能得到同性的羡慕。所以有点高傲和超然的自信是自然的。就会经常听到人说射手女很难追啊!射手不仅独立也不会带给别人压力!天生具有贵族气息。特别在特殊场合,你很容易辨认出来!射手女容易伤害别人也容易被伤害!容易原谅别人也容易原谅自己!所以对待爱情的态度往往看得不是很重!但并不代表射手女花心!只是射手天生的桀骜不驯,怕被束缚!不愿为别人改变,最怕妥协!温柔的外表里面包藏着野性,要想驯服她,一定要具备好几把刷子才行哦。如果不是真爱一个人,你是很少听到射手女对你有什么承诺的!而如果你哪天遇到射手女为你改变并向你做出承诺,那她一定是很爱很爱你了!






via xue ting's blog.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

黑 与 白

在这世上,所谓的 黑 与 白 真的那么需要分得清楚吗?
其实,抛开这一切,这两个字只是其中一种 颜色,是对比的颜色

就好像把一张存有这两种颜色的照片拿去调一调,按一次 “ NEGATIVE ” ,

因为,只要你按了 NEGATIVE , 它马上就会变成相反的它。


所以,天使与恶魔 ,基本上,分别不大。



Wednesday, November 10, 2010


我在她正在看韩剧的时候不小心按到 ASTRO remote control standby button.
那时候,我真的不想和她再继续争论这件事,也没那个心情一起看电视,所以,就带着不爽的心情上楼去 on facebook.


我们通过 comments 交谈,啊,交谈的内容实在太有趣了,好笑到~~~
还有,那首“让我取暖”歌词有我想表达的意思,与此同时,让我为你们取暖吧! =)

我爽到要亲你们的脸! Xp


有了你们 哪怕没有明天?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Finals Over ! xD

Hooray!!! Exam is over!
For my performance, I'll let bygones be bygones.
Try again harder, next time !
I believe I can do it better =)

Finals over meaning HOLIDAYS is coming and and and one third of my sixth form life is coming to an end.

Aww, this is so so so sad! I actually kinda like my gang in the class very much!
They are simply superb, you know?

Now, I have much time to do stuffs I wanted to do previously.
Stay tuned to my updates cause I'll be updating my blogpost more frequently ! XP
Not forgetting bout holidays, I have the to-do-list coming up.
Some exercise and consistent study, perhaps?

Kindly visit my page more often =D
Thank you!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Exam Fever .

I've only heard the saying that goes time waits for no mans

But but but...

I'm a woman what ! Oops! Err, Lady? No? Girl? Girl, I think.

Time, can you wait for me?

I am actually facing this problem during my final examination this time.
Sadly, I don't have enough time!
This is the first time I met this problem actually.
Especially when I was doing my Economics Paper, I'm the last in class that finished up the paper.
What was I doing?!
Yet, I'm so unsatisfied with my performance though I managed to complete all the questions on time.
If I have MORE time, I believe I can do it better.
If I have MORE time, I might have figured out the correct answers !
If there is any if ...

Apart from that, the papers that have been tested are not the papers I'm worrying.
In fact, the papers that is most challenging yet will make much difference on my ranking is this !

pictures paint a thousand words

Yes ! It's the MATHEMATICS
Again, If I have enough time, I can do more exercise.
Do you know I actually study maths but not do maths exercise?
This is my way of studying.
In actual fact, I don't have much time for me to do exercise, so I go for plan B.
Indeed, study maths is my plan B.

So, this is it.
Alright, am I wasting my time blogging?
no lah hor? =P

Can you give me credits for the photos above?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

to the BFF , OdeliaODJ

I used to call you 典君 or ODJ.

Can you still remember how we met and be friends?

Actually, I couldn't remember how we actually get to know each other.

I guess it is through tuition? or 薇沁?

Do you still remember the days where you, me, mc, xy, yan, mt were always walk ourselves to tuition together and walk each other home together?

Do you still remember me, you and 薇沁 explore the kittens and go for dog walk during holidays?

Do you still remember the days we loiter at the playground doing nothing?

Do you still remember we like to talk to ksh before and after tuition?

Do you still remember we like to ask bout ksh and the bf whether they get married already or not?

Do you still remember there was once we caught in a fight for some I have forgotten reason and how we get together again?

No matter do you still remember all these footprints you left in my heart, what I want to tell you is I remember it alls.

Thank you so so much for being my friend since standard 4 I think? I could hardly remember the years.

And I'm really glad to have you as my childhood friend.

Like you said, we are still the same.

How many friends could actually stay by our side through years though we seldom each other or contact each other?

However, once we met each other, the feeling is still the same, we're close in the heart.

" Our friendship is a promise made in the heart. Silent. Unwritten. Unbreakable by distance. Unchangeable by time. Once a friend, forever a friend "

and there's another one where you said that I'm always your bff.

it was just a simple message but you just touched my heart so easily.

I'm so lucky to have you as my BEST BUDDY, remember?

You are definitely sibling God forget to give me.

We both are the only daughter in the family.

We both are the happy-go-lucky type person.

We both are optimist.

We both don't care bout image.

We both loves freedom.

We both love eating.

We both love blue colour.

We both love singing.

We both like to wear t-shirt and pants.

We both can talk non-stop.

We have the same point of view in most of the things.

What I can say is, we share the same characteristics, don't you think so?

That makes us so alike !

In life, there wouldn't be much people who actually so alike in most of things, I believe.

But, I've found one. That's you, ODJ!

In this special day, I want to wish this special person of mine

A very very HAPPY e i g h t e e n t h BIRTHDAY !
Buddy, I just want to be as happy as you can. No worries. No sorrows.

I'm always here to cheer you up whenever you need me.

You can always be who you want infront of me. I love the way you are =)

You're simply awesome !

This post is specially dedicated to my very very BEST BUDDY yet BFF, Odelia Ooi Dean Jiun 黄典君.

Thanks for being part of my life. May our friendship goes on until the very end. If I could make a wish, still, I want to be your friend in my next life, am I allow to? =D

we don't have a picture of us ! ish!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Love You !

there goes one day I came up with this mind
which was
sending " I LOVE YOU! " to five of them
and I wanted to see who love me back without hesitation.
so here's the result from them :

the first who replied

" I know ar, why suddenly say again leh? :)"

" 其实我比想象中更爱你哦!因为。。。爱很难说出口啊!不用谢了,因为爱一个人不会要求回报。"

followed by YAP YIN YEE!

" cinta mu juga. "

continued by LEE YI RUEY !

" Haha. Biao bai send wrong message a.?"

" I LOVE YOU too!! Your message comforted me.. Miss-ED mushrooms a lot. ><>

next was LIM HUI YIN!

" Love u too!! Zomik? Wan biao3 bai2 to who? Den take me lai test 1st la.. Hehehe "

the last one was

" You want to send hxx lxxx zxx is it? send wrong? "

" Hahaha.. okay.. don't sleep too late.. oh ya, tmr i bo go tuition cause got some personal thg.. sweet dreamx yea.. I LOVE YOU ! "

So as you can see,
Some hesitated why I suddenly confess to them?
Some thought that I send wrong message at first?
Some straight away replied she loves me too.
I seriously like Huiyin's reply, made me laugh like mad. XD
this doesn't mean that I don't like others' reply
Anyhow, that was so sweet receiving their reply.
Try out this one day! It will definitely make you day !
Just like they did. =D

who need ICE CREAM when they already have friends like this ?
They are sweeter than ice cream, don't they?