Wednesday, June 26, 2013


在細漢的時陣阮阿嬤對我尚好 甲尚好的東西攏會留乎我
伊嘛定定帶我去幼稚園看人在七桃 看人在辦公伙兒 看人在覓相找
伊定定跟阮說 叫阮著要好好仔讀冊 嘸通大漢像恁老爸仔彼呢啊狼狽ㄛ
在彼個時陣 阮攏聽攏嘸 阿嬤 妳到底是在講什麼
大漢了後 才知影阿嬤的話 我會甲永遠永遠放塊心肝底
想到一步一步的過去 定定攏會乎人真難忘 時間一分一秒塊過去 在阮的心內定定攏會想到伊
阿嬤妳今嘛在叨位 阮在叫妳妳甘有聽到 
阮的認真甲阮的成功妳甘有看到 阮在叫妳妳知影沒 
阿嬤妳今嘛過的好麼 甘有人塊甲妳照顧 希望後世人阮擱會凍來乎妳疼 作妳永遠的孫仔 擱叫妳一聲阿嬤

亲爱的阿嬷, 愿您一路好走。

Friday, June 14, 2013

纯粹有感而发 (希望没有什么错别字)





就这样吧! :)


有些话想对妈说,有时候,我们得接受别人的不完美,弄清背后的故事再做判断吧! 换个角度,也许,就不用担心那么多未发生的事情了。坦白说,上了大学,谈了恋爱,和父母沟通闲聊的时间真的少之又少,我很惭愧,可是,却做不出什么改变。好无奈啊! 大学生活真的有那么充实到剥夺我和家人共处的时间吗?还是是我自己把时间分配得不好?相信,是后者吧!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hey, I want to slap myself too!

Hah! I thought getting satisfying grades is enough for midterm.
In actual fact, the grade was ruined by the assignment.
Okay, fine then, I will pay more effort on my following semester assignment.
And erm, after more and more consideration, deciding to make my blog private.
Just like, my friend out there, blog is just so private :P
And mum, can you please don't read my blog? Hahahahah! I know you will be reading this.

Reporting of Finals, bought 3 new pens and none of it survived till 3 hours of examination for Business Law paper. That's so sad. Thanks to my friend for giving me pens to sit for my English Language paper.

Alright, gonna stop here and get back to study.
Sorry YouNoan, for didn't reply back to your post.
Very touched to received a post from you on your blog. Seriously.
Sorry again, didn't make up a date for you. Let's do it after finals la.
Thank you very much for the blogpost. Appreciate it much :))

Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's YOU n o a n's 21st!

There you go the most gorgeous Sonia Ng You Noan without braces & with her beautiful teeth!

You Noan, what a nice & unique name in Chinese and English, seriously, your name is the most special!

Talking about this patternful girl I've met ever since NS and now my course mate in USM, 

You're the most mysterious yet patternful friend I've ever had. 

Being so hard yet so easy to reach your heart, making me feel that you're so lonely deep down like you need a true friend that you can really trust for 101% so that you get to pour everything out to him/her.

I'm blessed that I could meet you in USM again, and I can't imagine my life now without you.

You are one of the best friend that everyone could ever had.

Having you as a friend is one of the best thing I am grateful for.

Thank you for always being there for me. 

Thank you for everything you have done and given to me.

Thank you for trusting me and sharing your life with me.

No matter how, I am always here for you kay?

Sometimes, you just can't hide so much. It's okay to be yourself and say what you wanted to  :)

It's your day today, finally a legal grown-up.

Keeping up with your good work on photography and other special skills you have la. 

Will support you to the max! :D

May you be well and happy always with your life !


Hearts you <3